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B.S.ing with Dennis Garcia

Dennis Garcia learned the importance of changing and evolving from his centenarian immigrant grandmother. In this episode of B.S.: Beyond Stereotypes, Dennis talks to Merle Vaughn about how his upbringing has shaped him, why presenting opportunities to people of color is important and why feedback is a must for success. 

B.S.: Beyond Stereotypes · BSing with Dennis Garcia

As an Assistant General Counsel for Microsoft, Dennis Garcia practices at the intersection of law, technology and business and leads the legal support function for Microsoft's US Partner Solutions and Marketing & Operations teams.

With over 20 years of legal experience—all in-house with leading Information Technology providers, his primary expertise includes shaping and negotiating a wide range of sophisticated IT contracts with third parties such as Digital Transformation, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, on-premises licensing, business process outsourcing, consulting services and product support arrangements. In addition, he has substantial expertise in the areas of cybersecurity, privacy, compliance & ethics, intellectual property, dispute resolution, employment law and antitrust law.

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