Dragon Baby? We Got You Covered!


2024 is the year of the Dragon, which in some Eastern Asian cultures hold great significance. It is believed that those born in the year of the Dragon are seen as dynamic, fierce and inspiring leaders!

You may wonder what this has to do with the interim legal market here in Singapore. Well, I’ll tell you… it means parental leave covers!

Singapore has seen an uptick in the number of babies born this year as compared to 2023. As a result, it’s been a rather busy year for MLA Interim Singapore supporting organisations across various industries in preparing for their lawyers’ parental leave.

Established about four years ago, MLA Interim Singapore covers APAC-wide secondment needs in the ‘Little Red Dot’ – an endearing reference to the size of Singapore.

Since our launch, we have seen the need for interim, consulting lawyers grow steadily in the APAC market. This is not just to cover parental leaves, but very much in response to dynamic market conditions and the ever-evolving needs of legal departments.

The reasons for the increased demand for interim lawyers range from the need for specialised expertise to managing workload peaks. Being in an environment that supports start-ups, there is a need for interim lawyers and compliance experts to assist with the setting up of legal and compliance frameworks. Interim lawyers have also been essential during transitions, where large organisations are facing restructurings, especially in this economy.

We’re seeing a growing trend for interim lawyers with expertise in technology, data privacy, employment, ESG, M&A and regulatory compliance. Organisations are looking for lawyers who, apart from having these technical skillsets and know-how, are flexible and able to hit the ground running, with good stakeholder management and the ability to work across different cultures and time zones.

On the flip side, lawyers are keen on organisations that offer them the opportunity to explore different industries and expand on their skillsets. With the exodus of lawyers leaving private practice early in their careers, the interim model in Singapore has offered opportunities for junior and mid-level to make the jump in-house.

With Singapore being a hub for the Asian market, we’ve seen renewed interest from lawyers in other jurisdictions, such as the UK, Australia, India, Malaysia and Japan (amongst others) who are keen on exploring a career here. These lawyers are very much open to interim roles that allow them the opportunity to gain some “Singapore experience”.

In acknowledgment of this growth and evolution, the Singapore Academy of Law has introduced several initiatives, such as training programmes and increased support for continuous professional development, to enhance the competencies of lawyers. These allow lawyers to upskill and be well-equipped to take on interim roles that require various expertise.

A testament to the growth of “gig work” or “interim solutions” can also be seen in the expansion of flexible working arrangements under the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices. The Guidelines not only address the “work from office” vs “work from home” argument, but also provides for flexible working hours, job sharing and part time work, all of which promote the growth of the interim model.

It's fair to say that the landscape in APAC is evolving – where short-term roles were once seen as undesirable, it is now seen as the way forward and we see the interim space developing and expanding in Singapore.


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