The people. MLA has the most diverse and unique group of people, across the world, that have a common love for recruiting. Some of my dearest friendships have formed during my time at MLA with people who are so different from me, but so similar in one very important way: We connect over a love of recruiting, among other things. I can pick up the phone and speak with colleagues from Sydney to Boston on a weekly basis and chat for hours. MLA takes pride over the people they hire because we are a people business.
Not to copy my previous answer, but the best part of my job is that I work with people all day. Whether it is internal meetings, client calls or candidates’ meals – I am constantly talking with someone, hearing a story, trying to help. I am in a people business, and I love it.
Also, as a single Dad, this job gives me the flexibility to take the time I need to be both parents to my son. That reality is invaluable. I can build my work day around my parenting schedule. I can take a client meeting then play trucks with my son then submit my candidate to ten firms before watching Paw Patrol during afternoon snack.
I have never worked so hard in my entire life. It is not uncommon that I start the day before my son is awake (like when I am writing this at 3:30 a.m.) and ending the day when candidates are finally done with work around 10 p.m. However, it is not uncommon that I can pick up my son mid-day and go to the Zoo or trampoline park. My job gives me so much freedom, yet I am always working.
Fast, personal, passionate, organized, persistent
I worked with a candidate who was in the country on a work visa (so she didn’t have the luxury of just quitting her job) but also really hated her work situation. There were daily phone calls where I could tell she was holding back tears and really struggling with her mental health. I remember working with her to truly let me into her struggles so not only could I see what was bothering her, but I could figure out what she needed to truly thrive. We came from two different cultures and had to trust each other to break down those barriers but finally we did. And once we did, we were able to attack her job search passionately and with the urgency it deserved. We found her the job she needed, and she is thriving. We remain incredibly close still and I am so happy for her.
Be sure you love this line of work before you jump into it – I give the same advice to those thinking of becoming an actor. There are huge ups-and-downs – not only financially (our job does depend on the economy to a huge extent) but also emotionally. Dealing with people who are unhappy and want to make a life change can take a huge toll on you. You can often become the punching bag. If you don’t love recruiting, you will find yourself in the same situation that the candidates you are trying to help are in.
If I hadn’t stopped being a lawyer or if I never became a recruiter, oddly, I would have continued being a professional singer/actor. I’ve been lucky to have had two careers in my young life so far that were my passion and that I had relative success in (singing/acting and recruiting). I would have lived with my discomfort of never knowing “where my next gig was” and really stuck with the Broadway Road. I would have continued with voice overs and singing around the world.